Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bullying--why do it?

Bullying has been going on in schools and even in families for many many years. Bullying affects students lives in a major way.  Children get beat. mentally harassed, physically harassed, and verbally abused.  Others break other kids down and its hard for them emotionally to get back up.  
A student by the name of Asher Brown from Cypress Fairbanks Middle school in Texas was effected so much due to being victimized by others that it led to a horrific tragedy. According to the New York Times newspaper:
"Asher, an eighth grader at a Cypress-Fairbanks middle school, shot himself last fall after what his parents said was two years of harassment for his small size, religion and perceived sexuality. "
Asher's death gave people the courage to make groups and laws about bullying and how to prevent it.  Theses groups are the Anti -Defamation League and the American Civil Liberties Union.
“It’s like passing a law that says you shall be nice, and then trying to define nice and requiring school districts to report when they deem someone not to have been nice,” said Mr. Smith, who sits on the House Public Education Committee."
 Also, according to TIME, many students are harassed everyday and some also commit suicide because of it.
In the past few weeks, at least three teenage boys — one in Houston, one in Greensburg, Ind., and one in a small central California city called Tehachapi — have committed suicide after being bullied.
I think it is RIDICULOUS that children abuse and harass others especially those who are weak and can't handle it.  Just because someone is a different religion, ethnic group, or sexual preference than you doesn't make them non human!  STOP THE ABUSE! Many families are loosing their children daily because kids want to abuse others greatly. According to the TIMES:
"And, on Sept. 22, a freshman at Rutgers University, Tyler Clementi, threw himself from the George Washington Bridge in New York City. His roommate had secretly recorded a video of Clementi kissing a guy; the video went up on YouTube. On Facebook, Clementi offered a final status update: "jumping off gw bridge sorry."

 <------ Why should we let kids get beat and loose their confidence everyday?!  Why don't we try harder to prevent it instead of just putting a "a no bully free zone" on the wall of a classroom like that is going to help?   
The famous question is that many people ask is; "If you see someone getting bullied would you help the victim out?"  To be honest i really do not know what i would do myself.  I say this because it is really non of my business and i do not like to get involved in things and situations.  HOWEVER, If i see a kid getting beat or abused in front of me and  I know the victim cannot speak up for themselves because they are weak and afraid, I would definitely speak up for him/her... I don't want the child being harassed to kill themselves or to grow up to be a mass murder from all the messed up things that have been done to him in his/her lifetime.

What kind of society do we live in that even kids are afraid to walk to and from school by themselves?! 
According to the New York Times: 
 “People don’t mess with groups of people,” he said. “But they see someone walking by themselves, and there’s no fear there.”
 I agree with this quote by the New York Times 100%. People do pick on a kid when no body is there to protect or defend the victim so they can abuse him to the full extent.  I think no matter how many groups , signs or lessons that schools and such have on bullying, harassment is still going to happen and there's no way of stopping it.

Bullying is not just physical.  Children get teased because of their height, appearance ,and much more!....I think people should come together at schools and bring this teasing and bullying to and end. Even though ,in my opinion, bullying will never go away because many people judge and criticize people's every move, there is still hope!....nobody wants another child dead...or mentally messed up in the future.


  1. I absolutely agree with you Fabia. Bullying has spread rapidly and its unacceptable. My favorite part about your blog was the quote from NY Times “People don’t mess with groups of people,” he said. “But they see someone walking by themselves, and there’s no fear there.” You're right, people have the odasity to bullly somebody when the victim is alone but when they are surrounded by friends, they don't do anything. And when you mentioned School signs trying to "prevent" bullying, once again you're right. These signs are doing nothing! There really is no way of stopping it, if somebody wants to do something, most of the time they will do it regardless of a sign.

  2. Where do you draw the line between "kids being kids" and bullying?

    Of course, there is societal pressure to conform - why do you think so many guys work out, and so many girls put on make-up? (Yeah, I said it: guys are affected, too.)

    But consider: is it the job of schools to punish every unpleasant remark, and every single annoyance? Yes, I condemn what happened to the homosexual student at Rutgers - but perhaps we should be teaching students to develop a backbone. "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

    On a different note, I agree with you that indifference to suffering is a terrible thing - "The world is made a cruel place not by those who do evil, but by those who stand by and do nothing."

    The reason people don't want to intervene is because they think that the bully will switch his attention from the original victim to his defender. "First they came for..."

    The question of why people bully is a very simple one: Schadenfreude.

    What I don't like, however, is the exploitation of human suffering for political purposes. I condemn the bullying of homosexual students; but to say that we need to legalize homosexual marriage is to politicize a tragedy, to dance on the graves of the dead in order to promote your own political agenda.

    Also, why did you remove my comment on your previous post? These comments are being graded, so please do not remove them!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. anthony i agree with you... people are going to do what they want to do point blank! i feel that bullying occurs when someone is treated harshly or is not treated with enough love and has a lot of anger inside of them- they feel like they need to blame it on others and find an outlet to let all their emotions of rejection and sadness out.
    fabia- i agree with you too. i feel that bullying people based on religion, race, or gender ("hate- crimes") is disgusting and needs to be stopped.

    * i love your pictures =)*

  5. Hello Mike, I did not delete your blog comment...thank you for assuming =)

  6. Fabia, I'm sorry for assuming - but something is happening w/ my comments on some of the blogs. They're just disappearing.

    Oh, the mysteries of this world :)

  7. its ok ... dont worry about it =)
    that happened to me 2! =/
